Chaos Space Marines are the traitorous counterparts to the loyalist Space Marines, corrupted by the dark powers of Chaos. These warriors, led by powerful champions like Daemon Princes and Sorcerers, bring ruin to the Imperium with their blend of ancient power armour, daemonic mutations, and savage weaponry. Our collection features miniatures of various Chaos Space Marine legions and warbands, capturing the essence of their sinister and chaotic nature. Ideal for adding a touch of malevolence to your Warhammer 40K battles.
Games Workshop
Chaos space marines terminators painted, various condition -warhammer 40k c2733
£79.99 GBP£79.99 GBP£79.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Chaos space marines data cards boxed - sealed - warhammer 40k box38
£13.99 GBP£13.99 GBP£13.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Classic iron warrior chaos space marine - warhammer 40k x846
£18.99 GBP£18.99 GBP£18.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Chaos space marines champion with lascannon - painted - warhammer 40k x2072
£24.99 GBP£24.99 GBP£24.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Daemon sorcerer character custom kitbash chaos space marines - warhammer 40k
£24.99 GBP£24.99 GBP£24.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Dreadnought beast custom build chaos space marines - warhammer 40k painted
£119.99 GBP£119.99 GBP£119.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Daemon prince custom build chaos space marines - warhammer 40k painted
£109.99 GBP£109.99 GBP£109.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Daemon prince custom build chaos space marines - warhammer 40k painted
£109.99 GBP£109.99 GBP£109.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Classic chaos space marine obliterator - warhammer 40k x11485
£17.99 GBP£17.99 GBP£17.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Classic chaos space marine with rocket launcher - warhammer 40k x7001
£13.99 GBP£13.99 GBP£13.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Classic sorcerer body part - chaos space marines - warhammer 40k x11463
£14.99 GBP£14.99 GBP£14.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Classic khorne marine champion chaos space marines - warhammer 40k x412
£16.99 GBP£16.99 GBP£16.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Classic chaos space marines noise marine - warhammer 40k x6004
£17.99 GBP£17.99 GBP£17.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Chaos space marines custom troop transport servitor beast warhammer 40k painted
£89.99 GBP£89.99 GBP£89.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Chaos space marines custom troop transport servitor beast warhammer 40k painted
£89.99 GBP£89.99 GBP£89.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Chaos space marine transfer sheet - warhammer 40k t139
£9.99 GBP£9.99 GBP£9.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Chaos space marine transfer sheet - warhammer 40k t132
£9.99 GBP£9.99 GBP£9.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Daemon prince chaos space marines - warhammer 40k / age of sigmar painted
£119.99 GBP£119.99 GBP£119.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Chaos space marine champion - painted - warhammer 40k x8890
£49.99 GBP£49.99 GBP£49.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Classic metal chaos space marine pack part rogue trader - warhammer 40k x4223
£10.99 GBP£10.99 GBP£10.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Classic metal chaos space marine pack part rogue trader - warhammer 40k x3223
£10.99 GBP£10.99 GBP£10.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Classic chaos space marine terminator - warhammer 40k x290
£14.99 GBP£14.99 GBP£14.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Chaos space marine transfer sheet - warhammer 40k t164
£9.99 GBP£9.99 GBP£9.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Chaos space marine sheet - warhammer 40k t145
£9.99 GBP£9.99 GBP£9.99 GBP £0.00 GBP