Explore our extensive collection of second-hand and collectible Imperial Fists miniatures from Games Workshop. With new items added daily, you can enhance your tabletop battles and expand your collection effortlessly. Shop now to buy Warhammer with great deals and fast shipping.

Games Workshop
Storm speeder hammerstrike imperial fists - warhammer 40k games workshop
£149.99 GBP£149.99 GBP£149.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Hammerfall bunker imperial fists - painted - warhammer 40k games workshop
£149.99 GBP£149.99 GBP£149.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Imperial fists tactical squad - warhammer 30k games workshop painted c4772
£109.99 GBP£109.99 GBP£109.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Imperial fists legion cataphractii with storm shields - warhammer 30k c4780
£64.99 GBP£64.99 GBP£64.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Imperial fists - legion command standard bearer - warhammer 30k c4771
£64.99 GBP£64.99 GBP£64.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Imperial fists – phalanx warder squad siege squad - warhammer 30k c4775
£119.99 GBP£119.99 GBP£119.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Imperial fists legion mkiii breacher siege squad - warhammer 30k c4777
£109.99 GBP£109.99 GBP£109.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Leviathan siege dreadnought imperial fists warhammer the horus heresy painted
£179.99 GBP£179.99 GBP£179.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Captain in gravis armour imperial fists - magnetised - warhammer 40k c3949
£59.99 GBP£59.99 GBP£59.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Primaris hellblasters imperial fists space marines - warhammer 40k painted c3096
£79.99 GBP£79.99 GBP£79.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Primaris reivers imperial fists space marines - warhammer 40k painted c3312
£79.99 GBP£79.99 GBP£79.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Primaris incursors imperial fists space marines - warhammer 40k painted c3404
£79.99 GBP£79.99 GBP£79.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Primaris eliminators imperial fists space marines - warhammer 40k painted c2251
£99.99 GBP£99.99 GBP£99.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Primaris intercessors imperial fists - some magnetised - warhammer 40k c3846
£99.99 GBP£99.99 GBP£99.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Primaris infiltrators imperial fists space marines - warhammer 40k c4024
£79.99 GBP£79.99 GBP£79.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Primaris aggressors imperial fists space marines - painted - warhammer 40k c4672
£99.99 GBP£99.99 GBP£99.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Primaris aggressors imperial fists space marines - painted - warhammer 40k c1037
£99.99 GBP£99.99 GBP£99.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Imperial fists librarian space marines - warhammer 40k games workshop c3016
£59.99 GBP£59.99 GBP£59.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Imperial fists assault marines space marines - painted - gw warhammer 40k c3234
£99.99 GBP£99.99 GBP£99.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Scout squad imperial fists space marine - painted - gw warhammer 40k c2848
£99.99 GBP£99.99 GBP£99.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Imperial fists primaris redemptor dreadnought space marines - warhammer 40k
£139.99 GBP£139.99 GBP£139.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Terminator captain imperial fist space marines - painted - warhammer 40k c4029
£49.99 GBP£49.99 GBP£49.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Apothecary biologus imperial fist space marines - painted - warhammer 40k c2517
£49.99 GBP£49.99 GBP£49.99 GBP £0.00 GBP -
Games Workshop
Primaris librarian imperial fists - painted - games workshop warhammer 40k c1543
£44.99 GBP£44.99 GBP£44.99 GBP £0.00 GBP