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Warhammer, a game of strategy and creativity, has enthralled hobbyists for decades. Over the years, Warhammer blister packs have become highly sought after by collectors. If you have a collection of old blister packs, you might be asking yourself, where can I sell my Warhammer collection? This guide will help you understand how to prepare your collection for sale, and the best strategies for selling them.

Understanding the Value of Vintage Warhammer Blister Packs

The value of vintage Warhammer blister packs can vary greatly depending on several factors:

  1. Rarity: Packs produced in limited quantities or have been out of production for many years tend to be more valuable. For example, Warhammer 40k, Space Marines, Rogue Trader, etc.
  2. Condition: Unopened blister packs in mint condition fetch higher prices. Damage to the packaging or miniatures can significantly reduce value.
  3. Demand: Certain factions, characters, or editions may be more popular among collectors, increasing their value.
  4. Completeness: Packs that are complete with all original parts, instructions, and packaging are more desirable.

Preparing Your Collection for Sale

To get the best price and a quick and seamless sale for your vintage Warhammer blister packs, you should prepare your collection carefully. Here’s how:

Organise Your Collection:

  • Inventory List: Create a detailed list of all the blister packs you have. Include the name, edition, and any notable features.
  • Condition Notes: Note the condition of each pack. Highlight any damage or missing parts.

Photograph Your Blister Packs:

  • High-Quality Photos: Use a good camera to take clear, high-resolution photos. Ensure good lighting and a neutral background.
  • Multiple Angles: Photograph each pack from multiple angles – front, back, and sides. Include close-ups of any unique features or damage, this is mostly relevant when selling items individually online, on somewhere like eBay.
  • Packaging Details: Capture any labels, barcodes, and seals. This helps verify authenticity and condition.

How to Sell Your Vintage Warhammer Blister Packs

Once your collection is organised and photographed, you’re ready to sell. Here are some strategies for selling your vintage Warhammer blister packs:

Bulk Sales:

Merlins Miniatures: When weighing up money received vs time spent selling a collection, selling a collection in bulk is generally the best value. Rather than spending hours and hours listing and shipping each item, you can sell the collection all at once. Merlins, will also come and pick up your collection, saving you the time and hassle of shipping the items.

If you are more interested in spending your gaming time selling each item one by one, there are other options such as:

Online Marketplaces:

eBay: One of the most popular platforms for selling collectables. Create detailed listings with clear photos and descriptions. Consider using auction-style listings to attract competitive bidding.

Forums and Social Media:

  • Warhammer Forums: Join Warhammer-specific forums and communities. Post your listings in the appropriate sections and engage with potential buyers.
  • Social Media Groups: Use Facebook groups dedicated to Warhammer trading and selling. These communities often have dedicated buy/sell threads.

Local Game Stores and Conventions:

  • Local Stores: Some local game stores may be interested in buying vintage packs or can help you connect with collectors.
  • Gaming Conventions: Attend gaming conventions and bring your collection. Conventions are a great place to meet collectors and negotiate sales in person.

Final Tips for Selling

  • Accurate Descriptions: Be honest and detailed in your listings. Accurate descriptions build trust with potential buyers.
  • Competitive Pricing: Price your packs 
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